Launching Juice Ready to Drink

We worked, not only in the elaboration of the project, but we also had a directive action in its feasibility.

One of the pioneers in the manufacture of ready-to-drink orange juice, MGS, with plant in the city of Matão, state of São Paulo, launched a product of excellent quality; however, there were difficulties in its commercialization and distribution. The costs were related to the scale of production, which was still small. Our study pointed out that the most viable would be the formation of a Joint Venture as a larger manufacturer, which would consolidate its commercialization and deliveries with more products.

The chosen company with which Joint Venture was signed was Maguary, at the time belonging to the Fleischmann Royal Group, whose production volumes, combined with the commercial and delivery logistics, made the MGS plant viable.

Technical Team C&S

Multidisciplinary Professionals

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